Forever Families Through Adoption

Some Success Stories

Cory & Keith’s Journey to Parenthood

Cory & Keith We always knew we wanted to be parents from the day we met 9 years ago. When the time came to make those dreams come true we turned to adoption. We began to research adoption on the internet which was overwhelming. As a same sex couple we knew that our options were slightly limited in comparison to traditional heterosexual couples. We quickly learned that adopting out of the country was likely not an option for us given the many laws etc… of other countries. We also learned how lucky we were to live in New York which not only allowed same sex couples to adopt but recognized our marriage from Massachusetts. We spent months looking at different agencies but did not feel a personal connection to any of them. All were reputable agencies but we just didn’t feel there was a connection. It was important to us that we work with people who truly understood what we were going through and what an emotional journey we were beginning. We wanted to know that someone would be there to hold our hand through the entire process. Eventually a friend referred us to Forever Families Through Adoption (FFTA).

We called the office and set up an orientation meeting. We had attended information sessions at other agencies and we were prepared to compete with the other hundred or so people in the room to have our questions answered. To our surprise we were to receive all the information about FFTA with only one other couple. We looked at each other when we found this out and thought “Is this for real; are we really going to have all our questions answered?” We sat with the Executive Director Joy S. Goldstein and other FFTA staff who told us all about FFTA and what we could expect if we decided to move forward. Finally we got honest realistic information, but most importantly we felt the “connection.” It was the intimacy of the meeting that really made us feel like we were not just a “client.” The meeting lasted more than 3 hours and we really felt like were fully informed about what we could possibly expect.

The Story of Ava

“Thoughts on being a Dad…

I never knew that being a dad could re-invent a man.
Things that were not so, now are. And things as they are, Are amazing.

Showering: No longer a relaxing experience, but rather an attempt To smell as sweet as your baby girl.

Shaving: No longer a habit of aesthetics, but a way to make the Face-to-face cuddling as soft and as gentle as possible.

Eating: Just a way to keep you on your feet and wide-awake.

Sleeping: An insignificant and overrated opportunity.

Smiling: A contagious response to pretty much everything the Baby girl does.

Crying: Now an uncontrolled display of emotion that you are no longer
Ashamed or embarrassed about, rather empowered by.

Diapering: A fun three-handed activity, much like installing surround sound
stereo; Really complicated but well worth the effort of doing it right.

Feeding: A one-handed job that requires a little practice and perfect timing.

Loving: The most powerful and beautiful of all forces on the face of the Earth.

Being a Dad is not what I expected. In fact it is more than I could have ever
Imagined…more than I could have hoped for.

My baby girl has taught me how to live, and really, why I am alive to begin with.
This little girl has changed me.
My heart no longer beats to keep me alive, it beats for her to live.
My thoughts are no longer clouded because she has cleared the sky.
My feelings are no longer mine to control, but rather, hers to own.

Everything in the world is wrapped up inside this beautiful little girl, and it is
slowly unraveling to reveal to me who I really am.”

Dreams Do Come True

If anyone told us a few years ago that we would become the adoptive parents of two beautiful children we would hardly believe it. However, there was some one we met who made us believe that it was all going to happen: Joy Goldstein.

From the first moment we spoke to each other on the phone until now we feel a deep respect for her, her husband Michael and the staff of FFTA and The Goldstein Law Firm. They are all very warm and caring people and we are so happy we have them in our lives. Thanks to their hard work we have a complete family now.

My name is Marielle and I am married to Marnix since 1997.

After many years of failed fertility treatments we decided to choose the most beautiful way of building our family: adoption. In January 2009 our dream came true because we were chosen to adopt our daughter Eva. Her biological mother chose us to be the parents of her unborn baby. From the moment we heard about this our world was completely upside down! Luckily Joy and Michael were there to help us keeping our heads together and guiding us through the entire process.

And in March there was this life changing e-mail from Joy written in pink�. We had a daughter! We were so happy and excited and we traveled to Florida to be united with her. From the first moment we saw Eva we knew that she was the girl that was destined to be ours. We wanted to protect her and take care of her and we were overwhelmed by the love we felt for this little baby girl.

Eva was a very sweet and easy baby and we were so happy to have her in our lives. When she became one year old we decided to apply for a second adoption because we liked the idea of raising Eva together with a brother or sister. And again, Joy, Michael and their staffs did anything possible to make us feel
comfortable and they all helped us to make it all as easy as it could be. And sometimes it was not so easy.

Lisa and Brendan

“After years of unsuccessful infertility treatments, we…decided to begin our family through adoption. In our struggle to conceive, we…experienced many emotions such as disbelief and sadness. However, we…continued to maintain our hopes and dreams that someday we (would) have a family.”

“ [Now,} there are no words to describe our joy, no words to describe our gratitude. Dylan was meant to be ours. I might as well have given birth to him – I couldn’t love him any more than I do.”


"Eighteen years ago I was pregnant, single and terrified about the future for my child.  I knew that I could not give him the life he deserved.  A friend recommended that I call Joy Goldstein, and I am so glad that I did.  She was the most compassionate and caring person. and put me at ease. 

That same day she gave me the necessary information and guidance to find the perfect family to adopt my son.  In the first phone call I developed an instant kinship with them, and from that day on forged a relationship that gave me confidence that my baby would have exactly the kind of life I wanted for him, with two adoring parents and lots of cousins, and stability.  Though it was still the most difficult and painful decision of my life, it is one I do not regret, and I thank Joy for making everything so much easier.  I love Joy Goldstein, and am eternally grateful for the years of support and kindness.  If you are pregnant and going through the same difficult decision that I had to make and want to talk please let Joy know and she can arrange that with me.

- Cara

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What's New at FFTA?

FFTA Board Secretary Sam Karliner to participate in Ironman World Championship Kona 2024

"Twenty-nine years ago, adoption changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. It blessed me with the children and the family I had always hoped for. Joy and Michael played a pivotal role in our adoption journey all those years ago, and their warmth, kindness, and dedication have remained constant throughout the years. As my family grew in love, I stayed connected with them and the incredible world of adoption. Whenever the opportunity arose, I found ways to help promote adoption education, which eventually led me to serve on the board of FFTA. Today, FFTA needs our help more than ever. Supporting FFTA in its mission to educate and create forever families is crucial.

On October 26, 2024, I'll be competing in the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, and I'm using this incredible event as an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for FFTA! As I push myself through the 140.6 miles of the Ironman, I'll be carrying with me all the love that adoption has brought to my life. Knowing that I have your support will be my greatest source of encouragement.

Whether large or small, every donation from the heart will make a difference in helping FFTA continue its life changing work. I am deeply grateful for the chance to take on this journey, and even more so for the generosity of people like you who share my passion for supporting adoption.

With heartfelt appreciation, Sam"

Please donate and read Sam's story.

Forever Families Through Adoption, Inc.
62 Bowman Avenue
Rye Brook, NY 10573-2804
Tel: 914-939-1180
Fax: 914-939-1181

All of the children portrayed or mentioned on this website are with their forever families and are NOT available for adoption.

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