Forever Families Through Adoption

Adoptive Parents

Foster Care and/or Adoption of Older Children

There are more than half a million children in foster care in the United States, and one out of every four of them is ready and waiting for adoption. Despite efforts in public policy, the number of children needing permanent families has skyrocketed.

We at FFTA believe with all our hearts that every child has the right to a “forever family” — a family that has the capacity to make the commitment to love and care for that child and to provide for their lifelong wellbeing.

The average time a child remains in foster care has lengthened to nearly three years. Children in foster care deserve the nurturing and support that a permanent family can provide. Each year, nearly 20,000 children will age out of the foster care system without ever being placed with a permanent family.

Foster care can offer a child and his or her foster parent(s) the opportunity to grow together as a family prior to — and during — the adoption process. If you would be interested in learning more about the opportunities of foster parenting, or the process of adoption through foster care, please consult your FFTA counselor.

The New York State Office of Children & Family Services is responsible for prequalifying foster parents and assigning foster children in this state. Use these links for more information about the requirements of foster parenting , resources available to foster parents and the most frequently asked questions by individuals and families considering becoming foster parents.

Foster 2 Forever

FFTA is launching a new program for families interested in adopting children already freed for permanent adoption from the USA foster system, particularly those with histories of trauma, abuse, neglect, and drug exposure. FFTA will provide the state required intensive National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) training for prospective adoptive parents (PAPs), preparing them for the emotional journey of adopting older children. Training will be delivered via Zoom in small groups or one-on-one in person, depending on the family's needs. The training takes approximately three months, with personalized attention and careful monitoring to ensure readiness.

FFTA's program provides post-adoption support, such as group activities, ongoing mentorship, and counseling. Families will receive resources like book lists, videos, webinars, and access to a hotline for emergencies. FFTA is also researching grants and scholarships to reduce the financial burden on the adoptive parents, and FFTA is currently offering discounted fees for client families.

For more information, read our Foster 2 Forever Story, take a look at a flow chart of the process, and read our agency mission statement.

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What's New at FFTA?

FFTA Launches New "Foster 2 Forever" Initiative

Forever Families Through Adoption, Inc. (FFTA) is very excited to announce the official launch of our Foster 2 Forever initiative. FFTA intends to work with prospective adoptive families showing interest in adopting children in the foster system that are already freed for adoption and in need of permanent homes. FFTA is approved to facilitate the state mandated training of parents to prepare them to adopt older children that may have histories of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, and more difficult childhood traumas, to no fault of their own.

Read more about our "Foster 2 Forever" program.

And check out our article on

Forever Families Through Adoption, Inc.
62 Bowman Avenue
Rye Brook, NY 10573-2804
Tel: 914-939-1180
Fax: 914-939-1181

All of the children portrayed or mentioned on this website are with their forever families and are NOT available for adoption.

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