Forever Families Through Adoption

Who's Going To Adopt My Baby?

Married couples, unmarried couples, gay and lesbian couples and individuals can all adopt a child, but the reasons why they choose to adopt are many.

Some have come to terms with their infertility and find adoption a very natural thing to do. Others want to add to their existing family or have a desire to help a child from a different country, ethnic background or culture. Most feel that they‘d like to share the good things in their lives with a child who is less fortunate.

Forever Families Through Adoption carefully screens and pre-approves its adoptive family candidates. Social workers visit their home, they undergo criminal and other background checks and they are required to provide a number of personal references. They also are required to go through special training so that they are fully prepared for the unique issues of adoptive parenting before an adoption can take place. In fact, by the time our agency has approved adoptive parents for placement, we‘ve gotten to know them very well and feel confident they‘ll make good parents.

We ask each of our pre-approved adoptive family candidates to create a personal “birth parent letter” for you to review. That profile includes photos, a personal letter and a description of the prospective parent or parents‘ lifestyle, beliefs, hopes and expectations. You can select from among those candidates based on the dreams and desires you have for your child.

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What's New at FFTA?

FFTA Launches New "Foster 2 Forever" Initiative

Forever Families Through Adoption, Inc. (FFTA) is very excited to announce the official launch of our Foster 2 Forever initiative. FFTA intends to work with prospective adoptive families showing interest in adopting children in the foster system that are already freed for adoption and in need of permanent homes. FFTA is approved to facilitate the state mandated training of parents to prepare them to adopt older children that may have histories of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect, abandonment, and more difficult childhood traumas, to no fault of their own.

Read more about our "Foster 2 Forever" program.

And check out our article on

Forever Families Through Adoption, Inc.
62 Bowman Avenue
Rye Brook, NY 10573-2804
Tel: 914-939-1180
Fax: 914-939-1181

All of the children portrayed or mentioned on this website are with their forever families and are NOT available for adoption.

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